The Razor RipSurf is a surf-inspired version of the RipStik. It’s best if you want something extremely maneuverable and functional for flat areas or small spaces. If you enjoy the flow and pumpability of RipStik but want more functionality, you should look into surfskates.
After riding the RipSurf for a few months, here are the main things that I like and dislike about it.
Traction Pad
I love the idea of having a traction pad, especially since it makes it feel more like an actual surfboard. It’s made of the same material that real traction pads are made of. But the thing I like most about it is the feeling of it under my feet.
It’s hard to describe, but I personally like to ride it barefoot to make it as close as possible to surfing. And the feeling of the traction pad while pumping, just feels right. It’s definitely one of my favorite parts of the RipSurf.
Dotted Grip
The dotted grip is a nice addition that they carried over from their original RipStik. It’s enough where it actually helps you grip to the board, but not too aggressive. I think it’s a nice alternative to having real grip tape.
Overall Feel
When I first got the hang of a RipStik years ago, I got the same feeling of skating or surfing for the first time. It’s something that feels completely different. From the traction pad to the way it rides, the overall feel of the RipSurf is awesome.
Although the RipSurf is one of my favorite boards to ride, there are quite a few things I dislike. If they would focus on improving these issues, I really think they could appeal to a wider market.
Narrow Stance
If you compare it to a RipStik, the distance between both wheels is a bit narrower on the RipSurf. So when I went from the RipStik to RipSurf, I was often going too forward on the board and nose-diving. I do wish they made another size board. It’s not a dealbreaker, but just something you’ll have to get adjusted too. If you’ve ridden a RipStik before, you’ll notice a difference. I had my friend ride it and this was his biggest complaint as well.
Color Options
I’ve always liked the way black surfboards look. Although my dad always reminds me “You look more like a seal for sharks!” It’s a personal preference, but I really wish they had the board in black or really any dark color. Plus it wouldn’t show as much usage. Though the white looks more like a surfboard, it shows pavement scuffs way more.
Gets Dirty Easily
I briefly mentioned it in the ‘color options’ section, but since the RipSurf board is all white, it gets dirty easily. Within the first hour, my board already had several scuffs on it from the pavement. The top of the board got pretty dirty as well from my shoes. This really is a minor thing and probably me being too crazy, but just another reason to offer a darker color board.
RipSurf vs RipStik
Go with the RipSurf if you want something more similar to surfing. The feeling of the traction pad under your foot, while you pump, feels awesome.
But if you want something where you can generate more speed and sharper turns, the RipStik is for you. I’m not gonna lie though, the RipSurf looks a lot cooler than the RipStik. You can read more about the differences at the bottom of this article.
Since the RipStik and RipSurf are both very similar, I want to briefly go over the 3 main differences I noticed.
1. Maneuverability
The first and most noticeable difference is the maneuverability between the two. The RipStik has two pads that are connected by a metal rotation bar, making it much easier to do sharper turns. It also feels just more flexible. Since the RipSurf is one piece, the flexibility is limited.
2. Stance
Comparing the two side by side, the RipStik is a little longer from wheel to wheel, allowing for a wider stance. It feels more natural than the RipSurf, which has a narrower stance. If you put your foot too far up on the nose of the RipSurf, the board ends up tipping forward. I personally tipped forward a bunch of times, but that’s part of every boardsport… there’s a learning curve. You just need to learn where your foot placement is best.
3. Quality
The quality between the two is pretty different. The RipStik seems to be made out of higher quality metal parts, whereas the RipSurf board is mostly made of plastic. The caster wheels are basically identical. If you pick up both at the same time you can easily tell the difference. The RipSurf is lighter.
Tips for riding the RipSurf
If you’ve never ridden a RipStik before, then the RipSurf is going to have a learning curve. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been skating or surfing for 10+ years, it’s just different. It’s like learning to ride a bike for the first time. You just have to practice. Here are some tips that helped me pick it up faster.
1. Hold onto something
Hold onto a wall, chair, railing, or friend to help you get onto the board. This will give you a solid feel for the board before actually riding it. Once you get better you can start by hopping right onto it, but don’t expect to do it at first.
2. Smooth Surfaces
Ride it on a smooth surface… something that’s newly paved is ideal. It’s not like a normal skateboard where you can ride over cracks easily. You’ll feel everything much more since the wheels are thin. They’re not like traditional skateboard/longboard wheels. So, bottom line, the smoother, the better.
3. Speed is your friend
The more speed you have, the more stable you’ll be. It’s pretty similar to a bike in the sense that if you go slower, it’s harder to balance. I was able to pick it up quickly because I started on a slight decline in my driveway. This way you don’t have to pump right away to gain speed.
Hope my Ripsurf review helped you gain more insight.
The Razor Ripsurf is a fun surf-inspired Ripstik. It’s not something to get if you want to improve your surfing technique.
Tips for riding the RipSurf
If you’ve never ridden a RipStik before, then the RipSurf will have a learning curve. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been skating or surfing for 10+ years. It’s just different. It’s like learning to ride a bike for the first time. You have to practice.
1. Hold onto something
Hold onto a wall, chair, railing, or friend to help you get onto the board. This will give you a solid feel for the board before riding it. Once you get better, you can start by hopping right onto it, but don’t expect to do it at first.
2. Smooth Surfaces
Ride it on a smooth surface… something newly paved is ideal. It’s unlike a normal skateboard, where you can ride over cracks easily. You’ll feel everything much more since the wheels are thin. They’re not like traditional skateboard/longboard wheels. Bottom line, the smoother, the better.
3. Speed is your friend
The more speed you have, the more stable you’ll be. It’s pretty similar to a bike because if you go slower, it’s harder to balance. It’s ideal to start on a slight decline so you don’t have to pump immediately to gain speed.